
import normalize from './normalize.js'
import uglify from './uglify.js'

 * @name validate
 * @since v4.1.0
 * @function
 * @category Function
 * @sig String -> Boolean
 * @description
 * Validates the base number, strips out special characters and spaces upon validation, can handle country code and extension in the phone number
 * @param {String} phone The phone number we want to validate
 * @return {Boolean} Returns a boolean if the number provided is valid or not
 * @example
 * import { validate } from 'phone-fns'
 * validate('555-444-3333') // => true
 * validate('5555') // => false
 * validate('5554443333') // => true
 * validate('5554443333 x 123') // => true
export default function validate (phone) {
  const normPhone = normalize(String(phone))
  const phoneRegex = /^(\+?\d{1,4})?[\s\-.]?\(?\d{1,4}\)?[\s\-.]?\d{1,4}[\s\-.]?\d{1,4}[\s\-.]?\d{1,9}(?:[\s\-.]?(?:x|ext)?\d{1,5})?$/i

  // Validate the length of the number without the ext or country code symbols inlcuded
  // (strips the + symbol and the ext/x symbols)
  if (uglify(normPhone).length > 15 || uglify(normPhone).length < 10) {
    return false

  return phoneRegex.test(normPhone)