import _curry2 from './_internals/_curry2.js'
import isValid from './isValid.js'
import uglify from './uglify.js'
import _uglifyFormats from './_internals/_uglifyFormats.js'
import _hasPlaceholder from './_internals/_hasPlaceholder.js'
* @private
* @function
* @param {String} layout The desired layout format
* @param {String} phone The phone number to validate against
function validFormat (layout, phone) {
return phone.length === _uglifyFormats(layout).length
* @name format
* @since v0.1.0
* @function
* @category Function
* @sig String -> String -> String
* @description Allows you to format phone numbers however you desire using N as number placeholders and C as country code placeholders these placeholders are case insensitive
* @param {String} layout The desired layout of the phone number
* @param {String} phone The phone number to breakdown
* @return {String} Returns a string which is the formatted phone number
* @example
* format('(NNN) NNN.NNNN', '444-555-6666') // => '(444) 555.6666'
* format('C + (NNN) NNN.NNNN', '1444-555-6666') // => '1 + (444) 555.6666'
* format('CC + NNN.NNN.NNNN', '163334445555') // => '16 + 333.444.5555'
* format('(NNN) NNN.NNNN x NNNN', '44455566668989') // => '(444) 555.6666 x 8989'
* // Format is case insensitive
* format('(NNN) nnn-NNnn', '4445556666') // => (444) 555-6666
* // Format is also curried
* const fn = format('NNN.NNN.NNNN')
* fn('4445556666') // => '444.555.6666'
* fn('(333) 444-5555') // => '333.444.5555'
function format (layout, phone) {
const uglyPhone = uglify(phone)
const cCount = (layout.match(/C/g) || []).length
if (!validFormat(layout, uglyPhone)) {
return phone
if (!_hasPlaceholder(uglyPhone)) {
// We are skipping validation of the phone number if there are placeholders
if (!isValid(phone)) {
return phone
return uglyPhone.split('').reduce((acc, d, i) => {
if (cCount > i) {
acc = acc.replace(/C/i, d)
} else {
acc = acc.replace(/N/i, d)
return acc
}, layout)
export default _curry2(format)